inspiring faith
equipping the church for the challenges of today

inspiring faith
equipping the church for the challenges of today
Christians today are experiencing massive challenges to faith.
Many Christians are looking for positive ways to respond, but feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the issues and uncertain how to act faithfully in them.
We are creating free discipleship resources to help Christians, churches, small groups and ministries:
talk about the big issues of faith;
apply biblical teaching to them;
discern God’s activity and will; and
take practical steps of faith together.
Embracing the Fall
Leadership failures. Faith deconstruction. Cultural disconnection. Ongoing division. These four issues are having a big impact on Christians and churches today. In this 6-episode series, filmed in Australia and the US, Pastor Andrew Cameron will help you understand the issues, find hope as you recognise God’s activity in them, and take practical steps of faith in your life and church.
Embracing the Fall
Leadership failures. Faith Deconstruction. Cultural Disconnection. Ongoing Division. These four issues are having a big impact on Christians and churches today. In this 6-episode series, filmed in Australia and the US, Pastor Andrew Cameron will help you understand the issues, find hope as you recognise God’s activity in them, and take practical steps of faith in your life and church.
Future Projects

Explore the five dimensions of faith that will engage the next generation and bring new life to the church.

A 7-episode journey through the Psalms of Ascent, for those who have lost their spiritual direction and need to find their way home.

Conversations starters on issues affecting faith today, for older and younger Christians to discuss together.

inspiring faith is an inter-denominational Christian discipleship ministry, committed to providing the church with biblical, nuanced and practical teaching on the issues facing Christians today.
if was launched in 2024 by Andrew Cameron, as an outworking of over two decades of ministry as a youth leader, young adults pastor, associate pastor and lead pastor in churches across Australia, England and the US.